Children's Books
Let's discover and explore a wide range of emotions together! Our feelings can be really hard to understand, and even harder to explain. Every day children are experiencing new emotions and often do not know how to describe them. Feelings seem to just happen to them, and it can be very scary and hard to control. From Ariel the Angry Alligator to Zack the Zealously Organized Zebra, this book will lay the foundation for comprehending some of the most common, yet confusing, and overwhelming feelings that we all experience. Through fun and relatable examples, our animal friends will tell us what is happening in their minds and bodies when feelings take over.
Buy now on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or request it special order at your local book store!
Check out the website here.
There is also a coloring book version and an activity guide for caregiver and teachers to use at home or in the classroom!

¡Vamos a descubrir y explorar juntos un amplio abanico de emociones! Nuestros sentimientos pueden ser realmente difíciles de entender e incluso más difíciles de explicar. Cada día, los niños experimentan nuevas emociones y, a menudo, no saben cómo describirlas. Parece que los sentimientos simplemente les ocurren y eso puede ser aterrador y muy difícil de controlar. Desde Alejandra la avestruz abrumada hasta Zoe la zorrilla que se siente en paz, este libro sentará las bases para comprender algunos de los sentimientos más comunes que todos experimentamos. Incluso aunque sean confusos y abrumadores. A través de ejemplos divertidos con los que los niños pueden identificarse, nuestros amigos animales nos contarán qué ocurre en su mente y cuerpo cuando los sentimientos se apoderan de ellos.
Buy now on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or request it special order at your local book store!
Check out the website here.
There is also a coloring book version and an activity guide for caregiver and teachers to use at home or in the classroom!